Today 21st October 2020 is Global Ethics Day. This is a fantastic teaching opportunity for organisations worldwide to share the vital role that ethics plays in our lives. You can do this through events, activities, social media, and any action that sets a positive example of ethical behaviour. This is your chance to stand up against wrongdoing such as corruption, fraud, sexual harassment, discrimination, gender-based violence, or any other form of wrongdoing. It’s about spreading the message that ethics and doing good matters, no matter where you live, where you come from, or what you believe in. So what activities are people doing on #GlobalEthicsDay2020? Using your company’s FraudCracker tool, you could anonymously report a fraud incident that you know about in your company. You could walk in a march against corruption in politics, like the #ZumaMustFall marches that thousands of us took part in around South Africa in 2017. It could be a protest at your school for #BlackLivesMatter or against gender-based violence. You could donate blood at a blood drive nearby (go to to find out where you can donate). You could start a vegetable garden on your pavement to share what you grow with others who can’t afford to buy fresh vegetables regularly for their families, sending a message about environmental sustainability and community support. There are tons of different ways for you to show that doing good matters. Visit for pics from people around the world. The important thing is to do something together to stand up against wrongdoing, setting the example for our children today, and their children tomorrow. Please share pics of what you’re doing to support #GlobalEthicsDay2020. Thanks everyone!