It’s official! We now have certification from The Ethics Institute (TEI) for FraudCracker, our online fraud reporting tool with interactive anonymous chat. FraudCracker allows your company’s authority figures, like the CEO or CFO, to have a back-and-forth follow-up conversation with the whistle-blower, ask them questions and get evidence from them. And the whistle-blower remains completely anonymous the whole time.

Initially when we started working with TEI, they didn’t have a standard by which to assess and certify digital whistle-blowing tools like FraudCracker. So we worked closely with Liezl Groenewald to develop this. And so Safeline-DigEX was born. TEI’s SafeLine-DigEX (short for “Safe Reporting Service Provider Standard Digital External”) is a best practice standard which unpacks what elements a quality digital safe reporting system, managed by independent safe reporting service providers, needs to have. Thanks to Liezl and her team at TEI, and our FraudCracker team, for all their hard work to make FraudCracker’s certification possible!
Contact us if you’d like us to send you the TEI’s certification for FraudCracker.